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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 21, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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hosting an exclusive town hall. robert f kennedyn junior, right in new york city and a really big venue. we havg e a lot of room for a lot of people. yoee tickets at audience shows right here in new york wednesday and thursday nigh t. dvr tickets are freeyo hand set your dvr so you neveu r, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not heartal be trouble. greg gutfeld, putting a smile on your face right now right. happy? right. all right. yes, thursday, it's thursday, it's after wednesday and before juiday. must wanted to make thatst clea. all right. it's another week. another country music star falsely accused of racissiarlyu
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last week, it was luke combshaiw who has a huge hit with a covera of tracy chapman's 1988 song called fasn't car. >> i think we have a snippet of the song. you got t a fast car. i want a ticket to anywhere. >> maybe we can get to you. maybe together can get somewhere. ♪> you know, that song really ti timeless. somehow, combs, though, is ameho bad guy for renewingw co interet in chapman's music and putting a bunch of money in her pocket can for her talent. bu t he's white and she's black, so it's bad. now it's jason aldean's turn now. to be clear, as of last week, i had no idea who jason aldeanwo . and it reminds me of that song n. jason aldea >> i don't know who that is. jason aldean. who? >> really? the audience grown. you guys. country singer. it's a logical country sin. sorry. fox news. it's like i don't know. country musi c. nythin >> i don't know what it is about him.
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yeaht . it's like you could get killed if you don't know country music yo mus. now i know everything about the guy. the story is all ovethr foxre more than brian kilmeade. the lonely guy can't go home. the cmt network, which used to stand for country music television r co, now stands for cowards, antwerp's because they used to sing the original orignym cmt. think about it. acr they pulled the video fordeep's aldean's latest single. try that in a small town if you haven't seen that yet. >> here it is again. t hergood sound comes bidness > weowball on the flag and little you think the tough try that in a small town. see how far you make it down. >> now look at bears musician
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sheryl crow called the son gg nm american or small town like it's lame. >> well, that's not nice of her, but she should know. >> here's her singing at a recent concert. if it makes you happy, it can be a happy, happy. w then why the are you so sad? >> those hormone blockers ♪k? ly wor but it doesn't really matter.ald the controversy is already backfiring. the song is number one on itunes and cmt is as popular with its fanis base as a warm cd of bud light. ve >> i know she never r gets old t and even i'm talking about it. and the last time i listened to any countryime music, i was
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doing blow and a bass p pro bathroom with larry gatlinrr the long time ago. but it's the streisand when you tell people they can't see or hea p'tr something, of. they want to know what you're so afraid of. they want to make upthey wan thr themselves. you know, like adults in this country had been doing fors doio years until this bag of used called the modern came along mor i probably should probably just that new . >> but none of this is none ofd. this is about a song or an artist or a genre. it's about who's allowedn 20 to speak their mind. in 2023, america, the modernimp left's first impulse is always censorship, which is more anti-marriaglwaye than putting pineapple on pizza. so why is this son pizzag the to because it's anti crime. and to a liberal being, anti crime is anti-black. that linkage alone is racist. nw but it's now a solid beliefolid among progressive lives.stly
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if you redefine violence as mostly peaceful social solle justice, then rejecting violence makes you themas cause enemy because crime equals blacks. equals black, the media. >> and now we're here where songs about riots receive more condemnation from politicians than the actua actl riots did. racist libs took it personally because the video featuredcaus the george floyd riots, something they embraced. alden's point being that in small towns people get touchy when you set fire tosses their businesses and try to kill them. right no andw what a bunch of squares. >> and apparently it's racist because aldin filmed the video by a courthouse where a young black man was launched inen 27. almost a century ago, the same year joe biden got his first letter from aarp . it's funny, they call fal themselves, right? >> but they spend more time looking in the rearview mirrorit than i do when i have a hitchhiker in my trunk. >> it's so how much you want
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to bet aldin? had no idea about that. b how much you want to bet thatet nearly all people claiming hewnd should have known didn't have an idea about itn' ide? the media knows nothing, so libs will blame aldin fors gran something that happened before his grandparents were born. but they won'tere born blame ane blm for anything that happened during the riots. s anyththat you know what elsea in front of that courthouse? >> hannah montana, the kill means favorite. >> still. nothing says white. nothing says white privilege noth father billy ray's mullet. so if you claim that opposing crime is racist, you're assuminyou'reg that crim. are all one race, which is, guess what? racist? aldin addressed the controversy, tweeting, thertweetinge not a single lyrir the song that references race. there isn't a single video clipn that isn't real news footage, but that doesn't't matter.ce obs in the race obsessed, racist world of modern liberals. orldthey call it a dog whistle.
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yet they're the only ones that can hear ithey'rt. the guess that makes them the dogs. no wonder they outdoors. let you're welcome. and i get. she's a finance. use all up in our biz. busine oh, they get it. i goss t all he spent more time on tv than mypillow. both have one nation in the brian kilmeade radio show. brian kilmeaden kilmea his faces elastic as my waist. bad comedianc jan. greg: and she's like summertime, a right hot and hazardous to the elderly. but she's contributer catch hinm . brian yes. ] greg:first off, i think i wat
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to congratulate you on whetherrh you've had a big week. gre they caught the massapequag: tu and serial killer. so you are now off the hook pretty mucarh. eren't yeah, yeah, yeah. a i mean, you were a suspect. you were a perso erson interest for many years because that's where you're from. you're neverrom, at home. you're always sleeping here at fox. yoyou're always changing in the bathrooms. you've got a weird backpac backh right, kat? you've seen the backpack? i also have a backpack. ba not filled with bait, with women's fingers. that's also trued with. yes. so, anyway, brian, i'm glad we got that out of the way. right. it's a big relie tha thef for mf family. >> yea fh, quite some time.bein yes. and you be a character witness against me. yeah. thin ter witnagainst g have no charap certainly not helpful. you have to kissful. up to the >> so what do tha do you believe that there is some evidence to that video t having some kind of like, hostile underpinnings?
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absolutely not. you know why? becaus e i looked at some of the lyrics. because i get it. in country music could actually understand them, unlike the stuff you listen to. oh, geez. ther's >> use your grandfather's gun. we'll take care of our own. t that means stand. you could defend your property. suckerfend. walk c somebody in a sidewalk carjack an old lady at a red light. pullar a gun at a liquor store. that's called tuesday's news. all right, load that into our prompter on fox and friends. right. so this he's takin. that'sled g it from the news. this is happening. this is so outrageous. there's lawlessness ppening.s. p on supporting the copsre small t our own sheriffs. we take care of our own. and if you into my house,hous you're going to get shot. that's called the american dream. ng to geyou know what's funny at about what you said, whichg: whe unusual because you're rarely funny, but yet you book all the time. >> because i love you. yee s. you see the hypocrisy?risy liz, you could argue when
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you hear those those lyrics that that that video wasm video actually like a tourism video for people living in the cityik to move. >> it's like, you know what, you you knowe, you , this is that stuff there that will not happen here and. everybody's feelings in the city are hurt by this. yes. right. this, by thby the way, whenevee the word libs, i feel like you're calling on me and i'm like, ohe an, my god, i'm gettik better. i would start drinking like the planes going down. grege the is coming to me, l.z. that's right. me. so you know, this is feels like scheduled outraged. i'd even see i didn this video and i i don't care about the song i'm like oh god, i have to d'mo' more to see what they're upset about now. right. what's on the calendar? they're just teeinre about nog the getting m ready to be i mean, they feel like they be they fight with the if they couldn't be, if they did, you know, they didd. that. that's by the way, it's great. you don't complain aboutliz, wo, liz. you like to listen to a four minute song? imagine if this were about to aong.s weree. >> we'd all have to watch it. well, yeah, that's right. i could see the traile>>r to doy
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the work. but anyway, so, you know. so it's okay to, lik te singcops about, you know, womeni and killing cops and, you know, what i mean? >> and when. when, when, when, when are they goingwho to wake up? when is it going to do40 p the coverage of 40 people dead, black communities and businesses destroyed in ine riotroyed ins, $100 million, 2 billion in insurance coverage didn't meet. >> fact check you thersucoverae >> but anyway, so butk ther you enjoyed it in real time e. you know what i mean? but the media, the democrats are misleading america is so poisonous and so toxio poisc for the national conversation. it's flat out immoral and wrong. nowrong. not to be so moralizing, butim? it's annoying. >> jim, right no w they're running it. it's so obvious they onlo y certain words they always say, hmm, that is it. it ayou have a car crash, a song about a car, and they go, we need a statement. >> racist, sexist, hate, black tape. >> how didpeople we get anyone
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by that? thats. saw thi i listen to the song. i watched the video.o. there's not. what baffles my mind is, okay, you can burn the place down. you can drag innocent elderlyt women out a car and beat them, kick them. you can light up churches. >> fire, but just don't no songs about it. exactly how are you crossing the racial tension? what exactly i and i'll say this i live in florida right now. yeah. if things gos go down, you bettr find yourself a redneck friend. >> yead h, real quick.ll >> you could judge them all you wantth. n >> they're the ones. they're up in the tree. know how to skin a hog jusa t speaking of knowing how to>> skn a hog, i don't even known know
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what that means. cat. what? what's your take? you love country musicu lo. were just saying before the show started that you listen to the song. nope. nope. 50 times. nopeu theg 50 times. , nope, nope. i don't. i don't like country music. new country musinopec. love merle haggard, for example. i don't like new country music. and it that our world so muchc n that's going to be like some kind of political statement. buitt i.g to t this song. i don't know who this guy is. i had to look him up becausesta obviously, the story's everywhere. he looks to me like every dude ever who i've seen sitting as t the bar at a buffalo wild wings. >> if you writ ae and you put a picture up like all the buffalo wild wings regulars, then him. >> i don't think i could pick i it out of a photo lineup. so no, i don't. this ridiculous statll h e is like a pro lynching song or whatever. but i just want to go back rightthispr? like when i can say this song because new country music sounds like every othegor new country music song. it all sounds exactly the same. i don't like it becaus it all ei not because it's pro lynching. and there are some bad things about becae itt living in a sma.
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>> he does not address that bad like everything closes early. there's no doordash. you think i need a cheeseburger now? wait tilhing cloearly.l i to ma. yes. so, i mean, now you don'sh.t th' change small towns right now as people are moving out. you're havin g these new kind of like areas where you're actually getting decent restaurants in small towns. p.m. >> i just found in the oldthat'g arby's, they closed out likeg 10 p.m.. >> yeah, that's good. what do you do? that's been good ito for you?. >> it's going to happen at 11 p.m.. kat that's right. >> ad happen.> brian: that's >> $0.11 m well, it's when our show ends. sic is but the new country music is hollywood now. the old country is very fox centric, old school, the newholo country is very hollywood. so i mean, john richso joh and company, you talk to those guys, they don't they want a big separation. yeah>> greg: y. >> they can't stand you. right? : can i can i can i get a secon on that? no, here's the second source. you're uglth y to. >> terrible. so you got to apologiz e now or in the break, i'll just say during the break how much i appreciate you being durthe br
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on the show, but then i'm going to rip to shreds afterwards the nextl ri season sparkedsh some democratic rants by showingme hunter without his pants. n >> iewf you'll be in the new yow area, i'm like tickets to seoue gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our audience. the host of live pd shawn sticks larkin is back bringing some of the wildest footage across the country. welcome to crime cam 24/7 and you won't believe what we found. every camera helps tell the story which you just saw right. here was an up close view of just how fast things go down. criminals, you're being watched . shawn sticks larkin hosts crime cam 24/7, the exclusive new series streaming. now only on fox nation. >> hello, this is mike huckabee. president trump said he wants to take back the white house and teach our kids to love our country. that's why my team created the kids guide to president.
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i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.
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and i think you will too. can feel the winds of change. to thank you. thank you. th what? >> applause sounds like bryan, e sure to include pics of hunter in the mtg. let them see hunter's peep. >> i'm in my fifties, by the way. 'scongressman marjoriey taylor greene outraged dems at yesterday's house oversightcrat committee hearing by showing explicit pics of hunter'by
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s log.'s log >> the pictures were so dirty. >> hunter was just made an honorary clinton. n >> the women with hunter mtg asserts illegally transportedac across state lines by hunterrosh and fraudulently paid for with money from his law firm. to and they were definitely. because you could tell by the way, democratsecauseyo pretendet to recognize them. needless to say at least a dozen congressmen wanted to examine the pictureen wsconge more closely. remember congress before you sleep with ass p with? h hut she may have already slepter with hunter biden. now that some contraception, the visual aids were part of greene's par line of questionig directed at irs whistleblowers that are involve d. o cl hunter's taxai whatever,federal who claims the federal investigation into hunter was deeply flawed. you knowed like an investigation into the white house cocaine. but dems too prude. please.
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what you save the for a crazy kindergarten teacher and four year old students. but not here crazy. >> and please save that for the white house lawn. aoc called the presentation a new low for republicans. she then poured out a laserr d pointer focused on a wall.e thin but the whole thing probably wasn't even the mostwasn't e interesting thing mtg has done recently. >> a.g. magazine, bp mtg magazine, bp mtg magazine, bp democrats get back boom report reporters even started spreading all these rumors because margin and big facts deep state and the left always hate when they gonna let o go aboutut that base.t yo marjorie i really love what you do. i kind of rudo, non those out. >> no one does it better. you are interesting a fact. y ln steve doocy alone then that car, huhedat? i
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>> he likes the low ride, liz. oh, so do i. you know what i mean. no, i do have new pics. ofessi >> congress. was that unprofessional? no. >>mean, were all oveon an they'r the internet already? yeah, it's true. so, you know, what's really interestins g is in this furor, people didn't. i mean, a lo int of people disagree with mtg. i get that. mtg what she was sayin is basically she's asking, where's the metoo movement? because hunter was abusing womere'she #men. he was writing off women likeem office supplies, deducting them i'kes expenses. i mean, this is really and youve know what i've alreadyth said ob the air and people are mad at me on twitter. but if you if the democrats arum mad about this, couldn't be mad at hunter biden. he's a grown man. he's a fathe. ar he videoed himself with this depraved. and yo his depu they're so mad a that. but they're not mad about, as you pointed out a, school libraries. >> really? yeah, it's crazy. l rjim have you been following this at all?
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>> i'm shocked the guy doesn't have a reality show on bravo or somethin shobravg. >> yeah, i mean, that is. no, i. i'm more baffled as time goes on. and like liz said, w like. everyone's seen this a while ago. this is all over the internet. so i lovnet. love when aoc is like, oh, look, this is obscene and this is going like, no one's seen this. moking i don't i don't know what tot of i don't know. i start smoking lot of marijuana, i guess, because i can't figure out anything going on anymorere out. ar, acco >> and you know what i hear, according to the experts, that's a solution. marij >> smoking more marijuana. well, you better legalize it how ssua jim: yo country. >> i mean, how do you how do you watch these people? right. he's got he's got this. h >> this was like my relative. he would have been haule bd offb long time ago and my dad'susbeen business would have been taken down. yeah tak>> greg: it is it is am.
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i always catch the one thing that always gets me is howe his dad maintains how smart he is. there' s evidence of this whatsoever. >> yeah, i disagree. m name a more successful crackor >>ad. >> that is true. g yeah, that's right. yeah, right. that's a great point. >>i', i'm nowhere near as successful as he is, and i've smoked no crack. the to brag yet. >> i.s the look, the corruption stuff is thes that concerns.she's of course, this. i mean, she's referring to the man act fromre 1910 and it says- it criminalized a woman across state lines for or debauchery or for any other immoralra purpose. like, okay, immoral according to whom? like if you bring your wife to aruba and she too many mudslides, should you go to jail? so i think w e need to get ridn th of that and focus on like the stuff that actually affects us as taxpayer because t they don't want us to get rich. they don't want us to keep our own money, but geg all kinds of shady
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shady and they get to get rich off of that. >> yeah, excellent leep] an. ra thank god he really didn't do d that because this is whatr i have to pay for that. that, it.outr and what is the real outrage? e you work at fox and friends, you have the intensity of outrage.e. you know what is really like ifd you were doing this on fox and friends,s what w what would you off? >> well, first off, a few observations. observatio seenneverw somebody quit on a comment. >> you were so outraged, you just had to stop whent when you were talking. he lookser at you like you're zs apollo and plato. >> that's how he is off. when i talk, you are just waiting for me to take len a breath. you have to say something. do you notice the different you treat people? >> you know, i'm all i hear when you. ffereni hear when you talk is sp p. this iit, sto see, this is. this is. you know, we're on. ohs --w on, i know, i know, i k.
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okay. we're on at 10:00 now, sow it's like. e yo >> oh, wait, why were you looking at him instead of me when i was talking? an: mo >> oh, more outrage. okay. does tharerage t out of my time. yes, it does. t okay. no, no, no. i plan to give back your time. k you very much.>> em claim it. thank you very much. i have no idea my poinyou very t my point is this. i'm always amazed by george stephanopoulos was on the air and he had one of the team trust. >> h jime on he goes, well, whe is the information about joe biden's? what about the stuff that was corvette and george stephanopoulos? you can't sa cd he y stuff like, stuff that makes no, he didn't know. >> yeah. and know.and i think that a lotf people look at that video looking at madison square garden and they are so det detached. they really didn't know like, how dare you shoached, w that? n looks like hunter biden naked. nogy gohey're not understandin that. can you imagine being in the biden house when they go th where's, hunter h your laptop? you dropped it off where w and yohereu haven't been back w since that moment you have hadof igfleet of people trying to suppress it, demean it and ignore it.
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and we'rno ande the only ones g. >> this is the biggest story in america and it's all coming to a head. and the scoop today from the new york post was that fbi were told the hunter biden laptop was real the day ofth the post scoop. >> so they knew guess who the attorney general was? who? william barr>> greg:?. did william barr tell trump? and did the fbi telldid th if209 trump knew in october of 2019, this is a bran, brand ned new e. and biden is not the nominee. >> but this was a full courtsi press by nancy pelosi. schumer yeah, it was all they say. the rush into jen psaki to say it's russian disinformation. so you know the americanrmatio people didn't get them for 29 and he wasn't then >> it was maybe one. it's like one out of seven may have voted differently if they kne dif w it was going on. >> do you think that hunter sends that everyone has seen his because he clearly doesn't go to an offic se right? i mean, that's that wouldi wa be weird. i was just thinking about that. you shows , if you up to it up. he works out of a out off
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you know on a plane i don't think he meets jeffrey toobin. >> i don't think he minds. i think he wanted to bs. e i think he wanted to have it out there. i think he likes to se likese s. >> he wanted to be a star, reportedly. i don't know who didn't. right. all right. coming up here, the ma n with, a boring demeanor struts around holding a . >> south dakota's hiring. we stayed open for business during the pandemic and now businesses are growing fast. >> our workforce can't keep up. that's why i'm lending a hand. we have 25,000 open positions here in south dakota. you'll never pay a penny in personal state income. and we accept most out-of-state professional licenses. >> aren't you, governor? no. yes, i am. yes, i am.'s first day, south d. >> freedom works here. oduces >> attention. are you suffering from hearing loss? lutionara has finally approd hearing aids to be sold over-the-counterelivur door. an.
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and may there be many, many man more hotdogs served in our wonderful land. >> so, jim, that that's his favorite meat. i love it.>> yes. i felt like i was watching some dark secret, like him out of his garage, like i likeke the hot dogs in a bun. and i caidn outside the bun. i like rubbing my hot dogy ho against the god i love. i like gourmet hot dog barks. i like ketchup. i had to ask. . that was. that was the creepiest hot dogtt ever w. who does this guy have? t friends. did anyone try to talk him out of this videalo? >> yeah. i mean, you don't walk and talk, mitt. that's k anlk the first dog >> well, you know, you said doe his dog does bark. at least dog was in a cage on top of his car. >> right? yeahar., we're just tied to the rack. yeah. thank you for these people.
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don't remember the storyn't . m i'm going to berate them individually. yes. what's the dog's nam te? >> his dog's name, like, seem, missy. same seamus. oh, is it seamus? i can't remember. all i know is on top of the car. everywhere sg:. g: i j >> he got inus trouble for that cat. i agree. on full of. >> is it. >>d we do this story so you could make that joke? yes. people don't remember that. he remember binders full of women? i do. oh, that's good. g: peopl that do yoi thought the video w. amazing. yeah, because it made me and i i did not think mitt romney could do that. yeah. you notice somethingyo, cat?y the hallways very long. know that. long right about how he walks like a penguin. >> did you just notice thanguinh ? oh, that is interesting. yeah. do you think he has a heel problem? k he heeli api apologize if he l condition penguin itis. >> i don't know, but we just when he congratulated everybody for hitting the.
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>> i laughed. and then what? he was like many more hoand thtc than what was called the wonderful land. it i mean, that's comedy the. yeah, it is pretty amazing. you imagine that maybe is somewhere holding a mic, but but i thought the mayor yeah,ai there's a mayor running against him who said, well if he hasn'tk worked so hard to get joe biden elected, that hot dog wouldn't gen as much.eeedrd so a little inflation humorhottd that's rich. i think it's a little. yes. well, we'll see if he runs. why so hard for him to be>> human. i'm not sure, because he's a very nice gu brian a very. ble. he's uncomfortable. it always feels uncomfortable. he's probably a very person.but rem a really good person. but you remember that like likee it. but in any kind of situation, he has a problem. goonethwe had a good one debat with obama. >> that was really good. right? >> b: right w the other actua one on the street. he actually was right about russia, remember? yeah, he was he walls right abo:
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russia. was he? what did he say? is there a number one geopolitical foe he was. e >> brian? oh, no. and he said in 1980s called and they want their foreign policy that he's wrong because it's china. well, number two, you're number two. liz. y liz from the beat me.>> gre >> i don't know from the business standpoint. fromn. u workp that's our sister network. thank you. yes. if you don't have itat, you don have it. >> you knohaw. talk let's talk about the economics of dogs. really? no, i'm kidding. >> i wanted to give you a boring question becausstion.e. >> he's really boring to talk about. but, you know, like a good hot do g, man. no, like gitmo really perverted the meat p. e. so i can't do it at all. r i think mitt romney perverted. yeahom. okay, let's talk about that, liz. the way he helboutt d the hot ds creepy. i didn't even know there was creepyn knowg to hold that you l the hot dog you kind of like when you hola d hot dog,you're you're eating, you're kind of eating it and you catch up
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on it, which is kind k and stra yeah, i know. yeah. but, you know, he opened, >> ew, as you all knois it's national hot dog day. then i know that. and thendidn't k as you all kno, i like this is my favorite meat. there's not one thing that's meat in that hot dog. >> yeah. yeahs my. it's a talking about. yeah, he's a sweet guy, but this is such a non-sequitur. >> why did he decide to do this? you know what he did? this? >> wanted he. he he wanted to revealg: you kdi a picturd?e of a that doesn'tae belong to hunter bidenin. okay, that's staying staying on the story. he really is selfless. it's very selflessselfle. i love a good hot dog. i really do. they're amazing. you knowe am what, i may be a, t i like a boiled hot dog with ketchup. >> yeah, with mustari like ad o. and i don't even cook the bun. i just like a soft bun. i like to shove it my mouth. i better go now. up next, scientists furiously race to solve in space.race t
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a free fruits and, veggies travel set. >> when you use discount code. fox news. mock it and move on.on. >> time for marketing to move. these are the stories that we were going to put in the show, but we couldn't be botherecouldo we're just going to mock it and move on. ththe first scientists are calling for further research into in space as the possibility growseo due to space tourism at. d that do we really need that bad that we have to do it in space?u >> no, thank you.i i did a lodit of research on thn and it seems that in space is t hot theory, but logistically difficult. right. la and if that's what you're looking for, just do it in the shower. >> hmmo it? yeah. you know what i'm talking about
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,brian? bri >> the problem with space is that inevitably the couples will drift apart. brian: >> but i think that's. i d >> i just love it. i didn't know. it's never done before.auts w >> number one, i don't believe that astronauts were bangingerg each other in that space station. let's ask senator kelly henwookz . kelly, arizona, do you follow the news? who are you? i'm noona. follow the >> gret se the advice they're giving partners potential partners. they were advised to stay ind the same proximity. i thought that was pretty much is a given this one. can wen.e can' can't rely on gr to push one together. to p yourself putand th this together and then look out for banging your head becausene you can just float arounard and you could hurt. >> so what should you wear? a helmet. you wear a helmet, you jam. i always give i would wear a helmet in set during set.
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yeah, why not? why not play the theme of jaws?y wear a helme the tweart, whatevp or whatever word list this is could be an economic boon for this space. a ?ve sex >> i don't know. i don't need to have in space. it just needs some. harvey's bristolac cream and av' waterbed. that's pretty. that's the funniest thing i'veg . it's a little scary, but i'll separate you. cut it out. all right. jeff bezos. my god. of getting excited. i know jeff bezos ex-wife is reportedly squandered over $27 billion since their 2019 divorce. divorce.jim some of that went to charity. so she had help squandering it. she this is revenge ortaxes. it's just to pay taxes. jim: i but i think i think we put it
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all into in space there. >> kat, is this the only waye on women calyn get rich is throughg divorce? >> a sexist might sah divorcy it said it as a. >> it's okay. i'm just compiling a ree l of say all the things you say to me and i'm going to get rich that way. aughte uhr], he's retained jonathan turley. >> so this shs pretty amazing. i don't know what she did. she married a teacher and she marries a teacher. she divorces of the teacher, but each time she gets divorce d ,she loses between 30 and $50n 0 billion. yeah, like where and is this mo. and how do we know all this? yeah, well, she telling this to her therapist , drew, i and it's dr. drew telling us on this sho. w. i don't know. but bezos is definitely squander that much money on steroid don't kw s. i know that's not natural. this boy, they liv brian: e. yeah. yeah. so something make you rethink
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that? harvey'szabeth: it's crystal cre waterbed. >> but, i mean, it's good thaty. half of the money went to some kind of charity. yeah, okay. she're a business personpeat. that means she doesn't pay taxes on the other half like that. she's giving charit the moneyshe' to charity instead of the government. she's getting charitable donation deductions, buts i don't know if it's 20 bazillion. i don't know what she's doing with. the money. so it's not buying clothes? it seems so. yeah, buclothes her moneyt you know it's hergig money. who cares? you know, it is something that she's given away ay toty, char i got to give her props up for that. give her props? yeahprops?, but with young kids, these days, or she wants us toly think that the money squandered and she's really hiding it somewhere. >> mm-hmitm. date be it must be hard for her to date, right? because she's. i mean, let'e let's be. she's. she's no margot robbie. sono, i mean. : keep >> somebody should. everybody keep going? yeah, everybody wants it for the money that>> gre wants h evo it for the money, right? you got to have a prenup? .
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>> well, this story is really die, right? thisdied. is woody. i >> thanks for the help. what is harder going throughersr penniless? well, one person's without money. it seems thie 's wits. seems harder being so ridiculously rich that when we break up, it really doesn't matter. yeah. so she didn't complain like. bill gates, his ex-wife, complains. all time does. yeah. yeah. wome n huh.>>hu rian: i did what i could , but all we got to move on. i is destined to go far, says the director of avatar. when you're with your friends, do you think nothing could possibly happen? that's. that's exactly right. madison goes to a bar. things have gotten out of control, dropped in the middle of a dark highway. an initiative by, a trucker. and you get to the hospital, you walk in. what happened? i promised her that i would fight to find out true left for dead. stream now on nation.
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? do you know where you are. i'm in a dream. and in my dream we no longer have any hope of increasing our numbers. tell me where you went today. no. where? >> july eight. i take it, then, that you are yourselves among the afflicted ? we don't consider ourselves afflicted. good to see you here. good to see you here. well, then, let's get started. right friday. terry lennox on fox and friend .
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i think you will too. i compare the winds of change a in five words story inai five words. cameron was right about a iator get this brian of course terminator director jame dse dag cameron says he warned us about the dangers of artificiaerl intelligence in 1984 when hean made that movie and that we didn't listee n, adding, quote, the weaponization of a.i. is the biggest dange ther. equia i think that we'll get into the equivalent of a nuclear arms race with ai. other and if we don't build it, the other guys for sure are going to build it and then it will escalatr sureuild ie. thi and then this is the weird part. brian kilmeade will dis is theep >> which i hope doesn't happen, because when you mak youe your y person who said that, that they said it's worth it whend they saw it and they go, boy, this sounds really bad.
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and then he got to that last went and everybody went, yeah, do you see, you know, in rehearsal he was really this is what i think about this. >> he goes on to say, don'het worry about it. writers don't worry about creative people. they're, you know,you kney're os good as the information put in here. we should worry if they wiy ifn academy award, it is absolutely going to win an academy awars as all the best writers, shakespeare, everything going into chatgpt whatever version it's going to win. >> yeah. good. you're not going to need it. it's going to be gutfeld and nobody else soon. i am worried about what thet little guy said here, liz, is that google is now creating w cr their own news. yeah, which mean is if's s they're good at it and the media is so lazyo that it's jut google is just going to run the news. yeah >> eliza, they that is a possibility after google just destroyed local newspapers not paying for the content, just taking it nocontent for the ove. facebook too. i mean, you know, i dotoo. read think terminator was i not
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really i think he's kind of jumping on the bandwagonk he's is a kind of interesting debate. right. what is it? th what they reach tha superintelligence. they became smarter than human beings in a good time travelhume too. >> yeah. which didn't make sense to me. but they also took the machinerebuildy the machine jim could rebuild itself. but the thing is, if h se is sou good at predicting, why couldn't he predicges t the four marriages that ended in divorce ? i think they all left him. there wa greg: il les i think tl left him. i including linda hamilton. remember linda hamilto n, terminator. >> i do think she was hot. and then terminator two. there shterminat jim: e is.e sh call me linda. might be. might be. is she a lot ? >> i don't know. tho jim wilcoxught, i, i honestly tk you're going to fear a.i. now he's been way ahead ofn wa us. we we may be all i right now you you're right. we may not be here. yes you may noay not bhet here f you watch biden, he's a guy
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that's not w. that's not human beings. h thatat's someone messing with that a.i.. >> this is the way this could be the entire simulation that was invented a billion years's ago. and it's just playing like exp a game. and i mean, that that explains a lot of thingt ofs. this it really does.u all right, kat, what do you think about thisai? >> you scared of a.i. or do you think it'll make your life a better s o, terminator, is it about a robot? yes, it is, because i thought it was abouta g: yes, arnoldi h schwarzenegger. just wear like a suit like he does at the end of jingle all the way. >> no, no, nat i seed o. t what that's not what the movie was about. he als moo, by the way, get this, it could come back a lot. he comes back a i know that partg: cam thatlled cameron made a movie called titani titc and the boat hit the iceberg. >> i knew that that had happenediceber. yeah, that's. and then it happened. i yeah, i never saw titanic either. yeah. yeah has already s, i, i is alrt us over so badly. i think that with just
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all technology and stuff, it's like all these algorithms al a are kind of showing us what we should think are only shown certain things and other things. and a lot off us aren't really' thinking anymore at all. >> but by the way, it's wrong a lot. yeah. s if it's not as if it's getting things right. if you put anything into a.i. half the stuff, you got to go check again on google. tht? watct's your poin hal >> know what it is that i do? i mediawatch if a.i. is basically scouring the world scoun, going som to become as dumb as we are, right point, it's going to be like a really it's going to bep. a really annoying guy that you try to go to like, hey, write my papero and it'lle -- be like, well, i just did you turn the jim breuer? yeah. wo d yow. way, all right. don't go away. we'll be right back. fun show if you'll be in the new york area and like tickets to seearea gutfeld goabg to fox slash gutfeld and click on the link to joien u
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are out of time. thanks to les big, john kelty, ! general character, our studio


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